Your Business Tip to
Work Smarter not Harder

Let Go To Grow

If you're in a hot air balloon and you want to get higher, you need to get rid of that dead weight so your balloon could rise. Well, we too. We have to do the same if we want to grow and we want to get higher.

Sometimes the best thing that we could do is just shake things up a little bit. This could be letting someone or something go, an idea, a product, or even a service. Or maybe something you've always done yourself and now it's time to give it to someone else.

So why let go? Why is this really important?

ActionCOACH founder and my business mentor, Brad Sugars, teaches us that one of the keys that really
hold back business owners and executives is having this Superman Mentality. Wherever there's a problem, they just fly in, save the day, and fix everything that's going on.

So the key to really be a successful entrepreneur is letting go. It means learning how to let go and then allowing your staff to do their job. We need to give up tasks we've always done and start trusting someone else to be doing it.

If you're a tradesman, give up your tools.

If you're a CPA, give up doing the accounting for your clients.

If you're a hairdresser, stop cutting hair.

You need to let go.

You need to stop doing things that the business does. If you do this, you're really holding your organization back. You need to let go and allow your team to grow and become problem solvers. When this happens, it's like letting go of the deadweight of your organization, thus, will now be able to rise to a new level.

This isn't just for business owners. It is for executives as well.

See, a part of building and growing a successful organization is letting go. Here are five keys that are going to help you to let go to grow.

The first key is you really have to define what you're not willing to let go of. What are you holding on to? Is it a job task or belief? Or a way of doing things? You have to let go of the "we've always done it that way" syndrome.

Key number two is who are you going to let it go to? Who is going to take ownership of this?

The third key is you have to delegate and not abdicate. Abdication is just giving them a job with no direction. We just assume that they know what we want them to do. We all know what happens when we assume, right? On the other hand, delegation is training them. It's giving them a system. It's giving them a form of measurement and management on what they are doing. If there is no training, no systems, no accountability system, you are abdicating and not delegating.

This leaves us key number four is getting out of their way. Sometimes you just maybe even need to go on vacation and see that people can actually do their jobs. Even if they fall down, pick them up and train them. Mistakes are part of the training process. If they make mistakes, think of it this way, you've either not trained them well enough or you didn't hire well enough.

And then finally, key number five. You have to find something else for you to do. What are you going to be doing differently? Determine where you bring the most value to your organization and invest your time there. You might even need to learn or even develop new skills to be able to lead your organization to that next level.

If these tips resonate with you and you want to have some guidance on how to get started and implement this in your business, I invite you to schedule a free strategy session with me and discover the possibilities.

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